"...I just read a sentence in the 'Hormonal Balance' book that said 'PCOS is not your fault. You did not give it to yourself.' When I read this six months ago, it made me feel helpless. Yes, the weight gain, etc was not my fault, and contrary to what some people told me, I did not give myself pcos, but it made me feel out of control.
Now I look at it as, no, I did not do this to myself, but I am the only one who can dig myself out of this hole. I like a challenge, and this is one I am ready to face.
There will always be hard days. I cried myself to sleep last night after hearing of a few people who conceived after a couple of weeks trying, but that is not me. I'm different, and I have to do things differently.
The hardest fought things are those we appreciate the most. I keep repeating the words to that old song 'It's the eye of the tiger; it's the thrill of the fight.'
I just know when I get my health back and hopefully finally have a baby, that I will NOT take it for granted. I no longer listen to negative opinions, and I try not to compare myself to those people who can get pregnant easily. The only way to get through is to focus on yourself. You deserve it."
- "Living With PCOS" by Mandy Knapp; www.pcoscoach.com
***This article really touched my heart today and I felt like it would be valuable to share. In my religion, I cannot help but compare myself to all of those women who can get pregnant practically whenever they want. It makes me feel so useless as a woman knowing that I can't. It is maddening at times and it takes all my strength to calm myself down and keep fighting. I really love how she quotes the song, "It's the eye of the tiger; it's the thrill of the fight." Although, I am not so sure I like the "fight" all that much, but I have not been given that choice. So I fight on, desperately hoping to have a baby.
It is so true, you cannot compare yourself to everyone else and that is much easier said than done, but there it is.
Never Giving Up,