Today I watched a very interesting story on Oprah entitled "Wombs for Rent." The entire show mainly focused on couples who suffer from infertility. What a coincidence!! Oprah said that one in every six couples suffer from it. An overwhelming statistic when, most of the time, I feel so alone in this journey.
Lisa Ling did an investigation of women in India who become surrogates for American women. The surrogates are required to undergo many pre-requisites before they are allowed to carry another woman's child. For instance, they must already have at least one of their own children to lower the risk of them becoming attached to the child they are carrying for someone else. Also, during their surrogacy pregnancy, they do not live at home, but at a clinic where they are monitored 24 hours a day. These Indian angels who decide to do this are compensated very generously. With the compensation that comes from this sacrifice, they are able to completely change the lives of their families. Lisa Ling made a very touching comment. She said it was neat how these Indian women were helping these women in the U.S. and vice versa. A very touching story. Something very dear to my heart.
It is uplifting for me to hear someone else's story and deep desperate desire to have a baby. As heart wrenching as it is, it somewhat comforts me because I can entirely relate. Someone who has never struggled to have a baby of their own really cannot understand the intense pain that comes with failure after failure of trying to get pregnant. PCOS infertility really does change you as a person. I feel like I have gone through the mourning process in a way, but it continues to circulate over and over. I feel the denial, anger, deep sadness, acceptance all out of order in a continuous merry-go-round. It never stops on one emotion, it is always changing. I think that's what makes it so hard for me. The fact that just because I've already felt that denial and anger doesn't mean that those feelings will never return.
Lisa Ling did an investigation of women in India who become surrogates for American women. The surrogates are required to undergo many pre-requisites before they are allowed to carry another woman's child. For instance, they must already have at least one of their own children to lower the risk of them becoming attached to the child they are carrying for someone else. Also, during their surrogacy pregnancy, they do not live at home, but at a clinic where they are monitored 24 hours a day. These Indian angels who decide to do this are compensated very generously. With the compensation that comes from this sacrifice, they are able to completely change the lives of their families. Lisa Ling made a very touching comment. She said it was neat how these Indian women were helping these women in the U.S. and vice versa. A very touching story. Something very dear to my heart.
It is uplifting for me to hear someone else's story and deep desperate desire to have a baby. As heart wrenching as it is, it somewhat comforts me because I can entirely relate. Someone who has never struggled to have a baby of their own really cannot understand the intense pain that comes with failure after failure of trying to get pregnant. PCOS infertility really does change you as a person. I feel like I have gone through the mourning process in a way, but it continues to circulate over and over. I feel the denial, anger, deep sadness, acceptance all out of order in a continuous merry-go-round. It never stops on one emotion, it is always changing. I think that's what makes it so hard for me. The fact that just because I've already felt that denial and anger doesn't mean that those feelings will never return.